Lawn Care & Landscape Blog | Big Lakes Lawncare
Big Lakes Lawncare truck and lawn worker preparing a job in Troy, MI.
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Showing 1-2 of 2 articles.

Ensure Your Lawn in Michigan Receives Two Fertilizer Treatments in Spring

Ensure Your Lawn in Michigan Receives Two Fertilizer Treatments in Spring

Spring is a season of rejuvenation, and you'll want to ensure your lawn in Michigan receives two fertilizer treatments so it can emerge from winter dormancy in great shape! Fertilizing your turf in the early spring with a starter fertilizer high in nitrogen will give it a much-needed boost of this essential nutrient to help it green up quickly and promote healthy growth as it emerges from winter dormancy. In late spring, you should apply another round of spring fertilizer because it...
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You Should Mow Your Lawn Before the First Spring Fertilizer Treatment

You Should Mow Your Lawn Before the First Spring Fertilizer Treatment

As spring approaches in Michigan, it's crucial to start thinking about the proper care for your lawn. One of the best ways to begin is by mowing your lawn before applying the first spring fertilizer treatment. That's because it'll likely be overgrown and have debris scattered across it, so mowing first will allow the fertilizer to penetrate the soil more easily. It is crucial to remember that your lawn needs time to rest after mowing before applying fertilizer. Waiting for at...
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