Lawn Care & Landscape Blog | Big Lakes Lawncare
Big Lakes Lawncare truck and lawn worker preparing a job in Troy, MI.
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Showing 1-10 of 47 articles.

4 Tips to Help You Protect Your Lawn From Dog Urine

4 Tips to Help You Protect Your Lawn From Dog Urine

You may not be aware that your dog could be damaging your lawn every time it goes to the bathroom. Dog urine contains large amounts of nitrogen that's left behind after it evaporates. If your dog decides to pee on your lawn, it can damage your turf and leave behind brown patches. If you're worried your dog will do irreversible damage to your turf, don't worry! There are four ways you can protect your lawn from dog urine. The first method is to spray down the affected area on your...
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Lawn Care Services That Will Help Your Lawn Bounce Back From a Lawn Disease

Lawn Care Services That Will Help Your Lawn Bounce Back From a Lawn Disease

Has your lawn in Michigan recently fallen victim to a lawn disease that left it weak and damaged? By investing in lawn care services like fertilization, overseeding, and aeration, you can help it bounce back! Fertilization will provide your lawn with the essential nutrients it needs to recover. Overseeding will fill in bare or patchy areas of your turf caused by lawn diseases. Aeration will loosen compacted soil and make it easier for nutrients and other resources to reach the roots of...
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Pre- VS Post-Emergent Weed Control - Do You Need Both?

Pre- VS Post-Emergent Weed Control - Do You Need Both?

Unfortunately, Michigan is home to an abundance of weeds, and they will take any opportunity to steal nutrients from your lawn. However, you can help keep your property free of weeds throughout the year with a combination of both pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control treatments. Pre-emergent weed control acts as a shield between the surface of your lawn and the weed seeds; it prevents them from sprouting through the soil and can severely limit the number of weeds that break through...
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4 Lawn Services You Should Start Thinking About Scheduling for the Fall

4 Lawn Services You Should Start Thinking About Scheduling for the Fall

Lawns in Michigan are comprised of cool-season grass, which thrives during the cooler weather and does a lot of its growth in the fall to prepare for winter dormancy. With this in mind, you should think about scheduling fall services for your lawn, like aeration, overseeding, leaf removal, and a fall yard cleanup service. With these 4 services, your lawn can be fully prepared for the winter! Aeration loosens compacted soil and gives your lawn's roots better access to essential...
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Is Granular or Liquid Fertilizer Better for Lawns in Michigan?

Is Granular or Liquid Fertilizer Better for Lawns in Michigan?

Throughout the year, your lawn will be faced with different challenges and will benefit from fertilizer treatments. Because we have cool-season grass here in Michigan that will be thriving during the cooler seasons and struggling in the heat of summer, it's important to tailor the type of fertilizer you're applying to your lawn to match its specific needs depending on the time of year. In the cooler seasons of spring and fall, as well as the cold winter season, your lawn will benefit...
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The Best Way to Prevent Crabgrass From Establishing Itself in Your Lawn

The Best Way to Prevent Crabgrass From Establishing Itself in Your Lawn

There are many weeds in Michigan than can take over your turf, but nothing is as problematic as crabgrass. This is an invasive weed that you can combat with pre-emergent weed control. Pre-emergent weed control is a type of weed control that works by creating a protective barrier on your soil that prevents weeds from breaking through so they can't establish themselves in your lawn. The best time to apply pre-emergent herbicides is in the early spring before crabgrass germinates. This ...
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How to Choose the Right Lawn Care Company

How to Choose the Right Lawn Care Company

With so many different lawn and landscaping companies out there in Michigan, choosing the right one for your home or business can sometimes be difficult. If you rush into a decision, then you may wind up with a company that doesn’t meet all your expectations. When choosing between companies, you need to carefully consider what each one brings to the table. You will want to hire a lawn care company that offers a large selection of services for your convenience. This company should...
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The Best Ways to Protect Your Lawn From Harmful Diseases

The Best Ways to Protect Your Lawn From Harmful Diseases

Your lawn requires plenty of care and maintenance to stay healthy and strong. When your grass remains healthy, it becomes better equipped to handle harmful lawn diseases common in Michigan such as leaf spot and dollar spot. Several practices are essential to protecting your lawn from diseases that can otherwise cripple your grass. Lawn fertilization is important to give it the nutrients it needs to survive and thrive. Weed control keeps weeds away, ensuring that nothing is stealing ...
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Why Should My Lawn be Mowed Every Week in Michigan?

Why Should My Lawn be Mowed Every Week in Michigan?

There’s not much that matches the vibrant beauty of a freshly cut lawn. There are a lot of different factors that contribute to this picturesque lawn, but one of the most important practices to follow is to regularly mow your lawn. In Michigan, you should mow your lawn every week throughout the growing season to keep it looking pristine. In addition to maintaining your property’s curb appeal, a freshly cut lawn will keep your grass healthy and will deter insects from infesting it....
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4 Lawn Diseases to Watch Out for in Michigan

4 Lawn Diseases to Watch Out for in Michigan

It is important to stay vigilant and act as soon as you see the early signs of lawn disease. If left unchecked, these diseases can spread and then turn your once pristine lawn into one that is struggling to stay green. In order to catch turf diseases in their early stages, you should be aware of what signs to look out for. In Michigan, there are four common lawn diseases that you should know about: dollar spot, red thread, necrotic ring spot, and snow mold. Keep reading to learn how to identify ...
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