Weeds can often be the thing that stands between you and a lush, healthy lawn. It can be frustrating when you spend your free time spraying or pulling them only for them to grow back. In order to truly control them and achieve a strong, healthy lawn, you'll need to follow a strict weed control treatment schedule, one that uses both pre- and post-emergent treatments.

In Macomb, MI, you're fighting against stubborn weeds like dandelions, giant foxtail, and fall panicum. By applying a pre-emergent weed control treatment in the spring, you'll get your lawn off to a good start by preventing a majority of these pesky weed seeds from sprouting. From there, you'll want to apply a post-emergent treatment a few times throughout the year - once in the late spring, early summer, late summer, and early fall.

Start with an application of pre-emergent weed control in early spring.

Professional applying weed control treatment to lawn in Clinton Township, MI.

The perfect weed control schedule for lawns in Macomb, MI starts at the beginning of spring since there are a lot of weed seeds that will begin germinating after winter. Weeds are pretty tricky to get rid of once they start sprouting on your lawn because many of them start spreading rapidly once they’re established, so it's important to start the year off right with a pre-emergent application. This application of weed control will create a protective barrier that will keep the weed seedlings from sprouting up through your soil. Since they can’t break through that barrier and get access to sunlight, they will eventually wither and die out.

Pre-emergent weed control applications are great at protecting against common weeds like dandelions and clovers.

Continue with post-emergent weed control in late spring, early summer, and late summer.

After applying pre-emergent weed control, you'll then want to survey your lawn later in the spring season. Oftentimes, stubborn weeds like crabgrass tend to find a way to slip through the pre-emergent treatment. If you do end up seeing any weeds on your lawn in late spring, a post-emergent treatment should be used to get rid of them.

After that, you'll want to check up on your lawn twice more during the summer season to ensure no weeds are stealing nutrients from your grass. Aim to check over your lawn in early summer and once more towards the end of summer. Any time that you see weeds actively growing on your lawn, a post-emergent treatment will do the trick.

Pair fertilizer treatments with weed control to give your grass a boost in nutrients to survive the hot weather in summer!

End the year with one final post-emergent weed control treatment in early fall.

Professional adding pre-emergent weed control treatment to lawn in Rochester Hills, MI.

Once the fall season rolls in, you want to apply one final post-emergent weed control treatment to eliminate any remaining weeds on your lawn. This treatment in early fall will help your grass by eliminating any competing weeds that would otherwise steal nutrients from your grass. This treatment is crucial because your lawn will need all the nutrients it can get to ensure that it survives the winter when it falls into dormancy!

Protect your lawn from weeds year-round! Call us today to sign up for our weed control program!

Having a comprehensive weed control schedule is integral to maintaining a clean-looking and healthy lawn for the entire year. At Big Lakes Lawncare, we follow a strict schedule for pre- and post-emergent treatments to ensure that your lawn stays weed-free. We service commercial, HOA, and residential properties located in Macomb, MI, as well as surrounding areas like Shelby and Chesterfield. Call us today at (586) 200-0855 to sign up for our weed control program!