In Michigan, cold weather, snow, and other hazardous weather factors can affect your lawn and plants. To prepare, it's important to consider your lawn's health when entering and exiting winter. Here's what you can do to support your turf — schedule fall and spring cleanups. During fall, leaves and debris build up on lawns, creating ideal environments for lawn disease to form and blocking nutrients from reaching your grass. Fall cleanups, luckily, involve removing this debris and even tidying grass up for the holiday season. Then, in the spring, leaves and debris from winter can block resources from reaching your lawn during the growing season. Getting rid of the leaves and debris through a spring cleanup can make it easier for resources to reach your lawn. Continue reading to learn more about why you should bookend the winter season with fall and spring cleanup services!

Fall cleanups can prepare your lawn for the winter!

Leaves filled in a lawn in Macomb, MI.

Schedule a fall cleanup to rid your lawn of any leaves or debris — these organic materials can create dark, wet spots on your turf where pests and lawn diseases can thrive. A fall cleanup addresses what the autumn left to allow your lawn to healthily welcome the winter season. This can help prevent pests and lawn diseases from taking over your property.

Here are a few services that should be included in a fall cleanup that can help your plants enter winter:

  • Cutting back perennials and removing dead plants: By cutting back perennials and removing dead plants, you can help prepare your landscape beds to enter the winter season nice and healthy
  • Debris removal: Twigs, branches, and other small materials can create dark, wet spots on your grass, attracting pests and lawn disease. That's why a fall cleanup service should include debris removal.
  • Leaf removal: Like debris, leaf piles can attract pests and lawn disease and smother your grass, which is why leaf removal should be included in a fall cleanup.
  • Lawn mowing: The last mow of the season is integral to maintaining healthy turf throughout the winter.

Debris-loving pests in Michigan include ants, beetles, spiders, and many more!

Spring cleanups help your lawn recover after enduring winter stressors!

Bucket of lawn debris ready for removal in Chesterfield, MI.

After winter, your lawn and landscape beds will need a serious pick-me-up to grow healthy and strong in the spring. Schedule a spring cleanup to give them that boost they need. During the spring season, your plants are in a period of increased activity, meaning the seeds in the soil will sprout and the grass blades will grow.

However, if debris and leaves from the winter remain on the lawn, vital nutrients and resources may not reach your turf properly. This can lead to a decrease in plant growth during a very important time of the year — the growing season!

A spring cleanup is very similar to a fall cleanup. Here are the services that are typically included:

  • Cutting back perennials and removing dead annual plants: Professionals will cut back perennial plants and pull out any dead annuals from the previous season. This promotes growth and increases your property's curb appeal.
  • Debris and leaf removal: Debris and leaves fall onto your lawn in the winter and can prevent resources, like sunlight and water, from reaching your plants during the growing season.
  • Lawn mowing: Get the first mow of the season in during a spring cleanup service. Lawn mowing encourages plant growth, enhances the grass's beauty, and increases your turf's health!

Call us today to schedule our fall and spring cleanups!

Seasonal changes associated with winter can drastically impact your lawn's health! Luckily, you can help your plants prepare for leaving and entering the winter season by scheduling fall and spring cleanups. Call us today at (586) 200-0855 to schedule our fall and spring cleanups. Our professionals at Big Lakes Lawncare will work to cut your perennial plants, remove debris and leaves, and mow your lawn during both the autumn and spring. We service Macomb, Shelby, Chesterfield, and nearby areas in Michigan.