Tree & Shrub Health in Macomb, Shelby, & Chesterfield, MI | Big Lakes Lawncare
Tree-lined pathway in landscaped yard in Chesterfield, Michigan.

Tree & Shrub Health Services in Macomb, Shelby, & Chesterfield, and surrounding Southeast Michigan communities

Let us take care of your trees and shrubs with fertilization, disease control, and more.

Let's Get Started!

Comprehensive tree and shrub health program offered to properties in and around Macomb, Shelby, and Chesterfield, MI.

Our tree and shrub health program offers year-round protection with fertilization, disease control, and pruning.

Sunlit tree tops against clear sky near Chesterfield, Michigan.

Just like your grass and small plants, your trees and shrubs also need care and attention! They are susceptible to diseases and nutrient deficiencies just like the rest of your lawn is, so it is important to enroll in a tree and shrub care program to keep a professional eye on them all year long.

Our tree and shrub health program includes fertilization treatments, pruning, and disease control. We offer these services to landscapes located in the Macomb, Michigan area, including Shelby, Chesterfield, and Troy.

Fertilization & Pruning Are Essential for Long-Term Tree & Shrub Health

Just as you fertilize your grass and small plants, you should also be keeping up with fertilization treatments for your larger plants. Our crew has fertilized hundreds of trees and shrubs in the Macomb area. Some common types we see in our area are Azaleas, Cotoneasters, Maple-Acers, and Birch-Betulas.

Our tree and shrub fertilization services include:

  • Deep root feedings: This process helps administer essential nutrients directly to the root of your trees and shrubs.
  • Fertilizer spread around the drip line: Your tree's drip line is the area directly under the outer circumference of the tree branches. This treatment is granular, meaning we drop small, dry, slow-release pellets of fertilizer around your drip line.
  • Starter fertilizer: In the spring, we will apply a starter fertilizer to boxwood trees and plants that were planted one year prior.

Along with fertilization treatments, we will also prune your trees and shrubs. Our crew will take a look throughout your trees to make sure that there are not any sick or dead branches. If we do find some, they will promptly be removed so that the sickness will not spread throughout the rest of your tree or shrub.

Protect Your Trees & Shrubs From Disease

Tree disease prevention services applied at a home in Macomb, Michigan.

Our tree and shrub health program also includes protection from disease. Vegetation disease spreads rapidly, bouncing from one tree or shrub to the next. That is why prevention methods are so important and why we have made disease prevention an important part of our program.

After years in business, we have noticed that there are some common diseases in the Macomb area that attack trees and shrubs frequently. We have made it our mission to become experts in preventing them; You can trust us to do everything we can to ensure that tree and shrub disease does not reach your property.

Some of these common diseases include:

  • Tree rust
  • Leaf spot
  • Anthracnose
  • Needle cast
  • Tree canker
  • Oak wilt
  • Tip blight
  • Apple scab

Don't wait until it's too late - enroll in our tree and shrub health program today.

Prevention is one of the best things you can do when it comes to lawn and landscape health. You never really think problems such as disease and nutrient deficiencies will wreak havoc on your landscape until it's too late. Get ahead of the game by hiring a local company like ours that has been handling trees and shrubs in this area for years. Our professionals know exactly how probable certain diseases and issues are in our community and we know how to prevent them.

We service properties in the Macomb, Michigan area including Shelby, Chesterfield, and Troy. Call our office at (586) 200-0855 to enroll in our tree and shrub health care program today.

Comprehensive Lawn Care & Landscaping

Call (586) 200-0855 for professional lawn care and landscaping services.