Lawn Disease | Macomb, Shelby, & Chesterfield, MI | Big Lakes Lawncare
Lawn disease causing ashy colored grass blades near Chesterfield, MI.

Lawn Disease Services in Macomb, Shelby, & Chesterfield, and surrounding Southeast Michigan communities

You can have a disease-free lawn with our curative treatments!

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We offer lawn disease services in Macomb, Shelby, Chesterfield, MI, and nearby areas.

Our experts can identify and treat common fungal lawn diseases in your turf and help lower the risk of future lawn disease!

Unhealthy lawn impacted by lawn diseases near Washington, MI.

No one likes dealing with lawn diseases, yet sometimes these problems may wind up on your turf. When this happens, professional curative treatments can save the day. Our experts can identify and eliminate the disease infecting your grass with our curative treatments. We treat common fungal lawn diseases like leaf spot, red thread, snow mold, and more. Our fertilization, weed control, aeration, and overseeding lawn care services can help lower disease risks in the future by making your lawn strong enough to fight back and withstand them. We offer our services in and around the Macomb MI area, including Shelby and Chesterfield.

Our experts can identify and cure diseases that are infecting your lawn.

When your grass becomes infected with diseases, it can be frustrating to figure out how to restore it to its full beauty. Our experts are trained in identifying and curing lawn diseases. We can help you determine what caused the disease and put a stop to it using our curative treatments. We can get ahead of extensive lawn disease damage by treating your grass sooner rather than later. Getting on a regular lawn care schedule with us will help your lawn fight against diseases in the future.

We have been proudly serving Macomb, MI and surrounding areas since 2014.

We treat common lawn diseases like leaf spot, red thread, and more.

Dollar spot disease in a lawn in Macomb, MI.

In Macomb, MI and surrounding areas, we've noticed that some lawn diseases are common. Our curative treatments are made to target each of them. But to determine which of these is impacting your lawn, you should know a little about them. Here are the characteristics of our most commonly treated fungal lawn diseases.

  • Leaf Spot: This disease will create tiny spots on the blades of your grass and can spread. The spots often appear brown, yellow, or black in color. The sizes of these spots can vary between small and large.
  • Dollar Spot: It creates small, silver dollar-sized circles in your grass. These circles will be lighter than the surrounding turf. The spots can grow and spread over time without treatment.
  • Red Thread: Red thread lawn disease comes from mold and occurs when the nutrition in your grass is poor. It gets its name from the red, thread-like grass blades it creates. This can spread throughout your lawn and also cause your grass to grow slowly.
  • Snow Mold: Snow mold may be left behind on your lawn after the snow melts away in the winter. It creates yellow patches in the beginning, but they can darken and spread over time if left untreated.
  • Fusarium Blight: This lawn disease creates large, patchy rings between 2 and 6 inches in diameter. The most common characteristic is its donut shape, where the grass inside the circle is green and the outside is brown. This disease will spread without treatment.
  • Necrotic Ring Spot: Necrotic ring spot is nearly indistinguishable from fusarium blight. It also creates big, patchy rings that often contain green grass in the center and dead grass around the perimeter. This disease must be treated to stop its spread.

How can I prevent lawn diseases in the future?

There is no preventative treatment for lawn diseases. They must be dealt with as soon as you spot them. However, a healthy lawn can ward off future diseases! We offer regular lawn care treatments to destroy weeds, help your lawn receive nutrients, and grow nice and strong in order to lower lawn disease risks and withstand any that may occur. Our services include:

Call us today to schedule our lawn disease treatment service!

At Big Lakes Lawncare, we have been restoring lawns to health after lawn diseases since 2014. We offer a targeted approach using our curative lawn disease treatments. We can also help your lawn fight diseases in the future with fertilization, weed control, and more. To schedule our services in Macomb, Shelby, Chesterfield, or a nearby area in Michigan, call us today at (586) 200-0855 to get started.

Comprehensive Lawn Care & Landscaping

Call (586) 200-0855 for professional lawn care and landscaping services.